My sister (Riddhi) and I went to dominos today for lunch. There was this small kid sitting outside dominos. She looked at everyone coming out with a lot of hope. I think she was waiting for someone to give her some food.
We placed our order and were sitting quietly looking at that girl. Some moments later there were these two guys who gave that girl 2 pieces of pizza and half filled coke bottle. It was really nice of them to do this. Maybe they gave that because they didn’t want it, but they could have easily thrown the food and not bothered about the girl.
The girl was more than happy to take it. She gave them a broad smile which clearly said, she was really thankful to them.
After getting the food, the girl did something which was so touching that I decided to share it with all of you.
The moment she got the pizza box, she ran somewhere and came back with two other girls. After coming back the three of them shared and enjoyed the meal together.
If that girl wished, she could have easily eaten the food all by herself but she didn’t do that. The three of them happily shared the 2 pieces.
That little girl lived on roads. She didn’t attend any school which taught her value education. But she had this very great quality of selflessness which many of us lack.
Hats off to that girl...!!