Thursday, November 15, 2012

Savitha Halappanavar - Irish law on Abortion

It was very shocking to watch the news of Savita Halappanavar's death in Ireland. Savita was not allowed to terminate her 17 week long pregnancy even when she was in a critical condition because the Ireland law does not allow that.

Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar, said her repeated requests were turned down because she was 17 weeks pregnant and staff could detect a foetal heartbeat. The 34-year-old engineer has since revealed that his wife spent two and a half days "in agony" until the foetal heartbeat stopped.

After the dead foetus was removed, he said, his wife was taken to the hospital's intensive care unit where she died on 28 October.

Doctors refused to perform an abortion stating “this is a Catholic country”.

Abortion is currently unlawful in Ireland and therefore unavailable (this includes Northern Ireland). This means that women living in Ireland must travel to a country where abortion is legal. Women have the option of travelling to the UK or other EU countries to access abortion services.

How can someone so easily blame any religion for the same? I am confident that if I discuss this case with 10 Catholics around me, they would support Savitha’s decision. And not only here in India, the people in Ireland are themselves fighting against this for so long but to no avail. What is the use of making a law which is not in favor of people who are supposed to follow it?

There was one more shocking case in Ireland in 1992 where in a 14 year old girl was raped. She was allowed abortion because she mentioned she will commit suicide and NOT because she was raped.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion was permitted when the woman's life was at risk, including from suicide.

In that case, why was Savitha not allowed termination? Is it medical negligence or were the doctors scared of the laws strongly supported by religion.

Abortions should be avoided but every situation is different and one cannot have a LAW for or against abortion.

Savitha Halappanavar - 31yrs 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Birthday - Another Year Begins

3rd September, every year on this day, I get mixed feelings. I am always very excited when September starts because I keep waiting for my birthday when I am treated as the most special person. And then my birthday actually arrives, I suddenly get the feeling, that I have become one year older :-p

My 24th birthday was spent in my office working, answering calls for bday wishes, receiving gifts and then struggling to reach home in heavy rains. :)

This year was spent gaining a lot of new experiences, meeting new people, learning new things and trying to grow as a better human.

Yesterday, on my birthday, a lot of people wished me. Some who have been wishing me from my 1st birthday (My parents because of whom I exist today), some who wished me for the first time this year (My new Friends who are a blessing to me), some who have been consistent in my life for almost ages now (My sister, cousins and a few of my very “Old is gold” type superb friends who make my life just more and more beautiful each day).

Life keeps teaching us new things every day and every year, there is only one promise, I make to myself that Vidhi – “You need to still be a better human, nicer to the world and the people around and continuously improve in what you do.” I may not be living up to the expectations of all the people around and not everyone may be happy with me but according to me, the most important is to live up to the expectations of your own self and I guess, I always make sure, I do that.

Finally, Thanks to all those people who wished me and made me feel special and nice! Love you all…!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


At a general friendly conversation, my friend said “Rejections are a part of life.” The statement really meant a lot.

How do we handle rejections? No human would want to be rejected by anyone in the world. But it happens and it happens very often.

People may not like the way you think, speak, look, behave or even dress. But does that mean, we are wrong or does it mean the other person is. It’s an argumentative topic. Each one can have their own opinion and they also have the right to talk about it openly.

Most of us, if given a serious thought, are not able to handle rejections even after being a grown up adult. And that’s something all of us need to learn.
It is okay if there a few people who don’t like you or who would not want to be with you. The world does not end there. You got to just be yourself, do what you want and say what you think fearlessly.

Talking fearlessly, at the same time, does not mean hurting someone. You got to be assertive and need to explain things in fewer words.

It is okay to be rejected. Try to take it in a positive way and if you can’t do that, just ignore it… :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poetic Thought

Sometimes nothing seems to be fine

Not even a glass of wine
Family and friends seem to be so unhelpful
Because you think no one around is merciful
When you are alone, you want people around
And when you are in a crowd, you think you should go inside the ground
Don’t think you are alone… You have a pure soul and you have your life
Learn to live… Learn to dream… Learn to Smile