Monday, June 24, 2013

Moment of Truth

The moment of truth, you realize you were living in assumptions which were so not true

The moment of truth, when you look back and realize you were so stupid all this while

The moment of truth, when you realize your love was so suffocating for the person you loved

The moment of truth, when you finally realize its time you move on from what you were holding on to for so long

The moment of truth, when you realize the close ones are not so close

The moment of truth, when you know what you really want in life

The moment of truth, when you open your eyes and find no one around and you always thought there would be a crowd standing with you when you need them

There are just so many more in each of our lives. Just not able to decide whether these realizations would do any good to us or bad.


mindlessstroll said...

well i think its what you choose to see, like positive moments of truth

a random person on the street helping you (and no he aint a con man)

two children of complete opposite..a girl and a boy or a black and together carelessly

i can create a list here but the point is every moment is a moment of truth in its own way...its our perception that tries to define everything.

Anonymous said...

Good thought and a true one

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss

shree prakash said...

You have a beautiful mind