Thursday, June 18, 2015


I always used to talk about right/wrong but is there anything in life that can be defined as black and white? The Law obviously defines crimes and its punishments. But what about out personal relationships, or the little manipulations we do in our everyday lives, with our own people, in our jobs. There is obviously no universal book which defines each thing and then mentions whether it is correct or no.

We can’t judge a person or his acts based on our rights and wrongs.  Many of our acts may be considered an absolute no-no by a third person but at the same time, for us it could just be absolutely normal. And then there are sometimes, we do things which we ourselves think are wrong but we can’t control our minds. We ponder over it for a while, keep regretting it or just forget about it and forgive ourselves later.

Human mind is complicated; sometimes we can’t understand our own.
Guess the only thing that is important is facing one’s own self without having any guilt.