Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Understanding Life!

Sometimes it’s important to stop ourselves from doing or committing some actions that according to us may be the best thing to do today but when today ends and tomorrow dawns, you realize those actions have put you in deep shit.

Sometimes it’s important to stop doing something for others, even for your loved ones, sometimes you need to step down and say a NO to people who matter the most but that NO is quite important for yourself.

Sometimes you need to give work more priority, sometimes your family and sometimes just Yourself.
Sometimes you really need to shut up and walk away and not interfere in people’s lives or relationships; it may do really good for them and also to your relationship with them.

There are no specific rights and wrongs, black and white in Life. Life is all about the grey area or the middle which we overlook many a times! Life cannot be defined; it cannot be lived with rules;
It is about the Sunrise which gives light to one part of the world and the same sunrise puts the other side of the world into dark!

To all my loved ones who know me, I know I am a kind who has always believed in either RIGHT or WRONG. But I am trying to be more accepting of things, more flexible in my thoughts and less judgmental and believe me its helping. It surely does!!!!

1 comment:

nikhil said...

Well written, one thing I can tell is that it surely does help. . sometimes to just go out of your way, not explain what is RIGHT & what is WRONG!!. . it surely does help!!
